Shipping policy

  • Most orders are shipped within 20 working business days. Monday to Friday are considered as business days except for public holidays. It takes 2-6 days for orders to get delivered.
  • Once your order is ready for dispatch we will be sharing the tracking details over WhatsApp or email.
  • Delays in delivery can occasionally occur around public holidays or at times because of unforeseen circumstances, but we do our best to provide timely deliveries to all our customers.
  • Orders once confirmed, cannot be cancelled. If you are placing an order, variation of 10 percent in finishing and Colours are not considered as a defect as all he rugs are handmade and therefore, each piece we make is unique.
  • Under special circumstances, you can reach out to us to alter or cancel your order within 48 hours of placing your order. Final decision with regards to this stands with the drip co.
  • Any custom orders placed with us over WhatsApp or Instagram, we will confirm the shipment before dispatching. In case there is any pending amount, waiting period is 30 days from the date of first update about order shipment confirmation from The drip co. After 30 days the order will stand cancelled without refund.
  • There are no credit shipments on custom orders.